Advanced Wireless Internet Acceptable Use Policy (V1.1 – 8/1/2021) The Advanced Wireless network is a shared resource, operated for the benefit of all customers (The Customer) and their employees. To that end, Advanced Wireless has established an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) designed to ensure fair access to the network by all users, and to prevent security and liability issues that could affect overall connectivity. The use of Advanced Wireless Internet connectivity and services by The Customer, or any party granted access to the Internet connection by The Customer, is governed by the following policies: 1. Activities must be for lawful purposes only. 2. Customer activities must not interfere with the operation of Advanced Wireless, its suppliers, or other customers; 4. Sending unsolicited commercial email (UCE) is prohibited. UCE, such as messages posted to multiple news groups, mailing lists, or email recipients, where The Customer has no existing business relationship (e.g., a paying customer), and the message distributes information not specifically requested by the recipient. Refer to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission guidelines at: 5. Illegal downloading or distribution of copyrighted materials or content is prohibited when such distribution is disallowed by U.S. or California law, by any means, including but not limited to email, social media, Web pages, FTP, BitTorrent, Internet Relay Chat, instant messaging, audio, or video streaming, whether password protected or not. In compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the “DMCA”), please send DMCA notifications of claimed copyright infringements to: DMCA Agent Advanced Wireless 708 W. Betteravia Road, Suite B Santa Maria, CA 93455 or by e-mail to 6. Scanning of other networks is prohibited, without permission of the target network, using network management software or TCP/IP tools, or any activity that can be reasonably construed by another network administrator as an attempt to inspect or breach the security of a network not controlled by The Customer; 7. Reselling or brokering of Advanced Wireless Internet connectivity is not permitted, unless specific written permission is obtained under separate contract. However, The Customer may host Web sites of non-customers on The Customer’s own equipment, and may charge non-customers for this service. 8. Advanced Wireless will comply with DMCA, subpoena, and other lawful information requests. Repeated infractions may result in The Customer incurring financial penalties with third-party enforcement entities. Advanced Wireless is a Safe Harbor Internet Service Provider, and as such, is immune to these liabilities, which will be the sole responsibility of The Customer. Repeated illegal music or copyrighted content sharing may result in Advanced Wireless’ temporary or permanent disconnection of The Customer

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